I was privileged to use my card for good to provide 2 special cakes for the Senior Luncheon at my Dad’s church. I try to visit my father at least twice a year and because I work from home, I’m able to stay for about a month each time. During that time, I like to help him serve at the Senior Luncheon at least once while I’m here. My Dad is 83 and SERVES the luncheon each time…to his peers. When I inquired with Ms. Carol (Pastor Gary’s wife who heads the Luncheon) on what might be most needed, she told me “The Seniors do like their desserts!” so that’s what I focused on. Our next door neighbor Patty (BEST COOK IN THE WORLD) helped me with the cakes and I finally got to see how to make her frosting. She’s one of those bakers that doesn’t go by the recipe, she just “knows” how to make it. We made a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting (and sprinkles) and a banana split cake.

I brought them to the Luncheon and got them plated up. The banana split cake was half gone before lunch was served and they made a good dent on the chocolate cake too. They don’t mess around with dessert, let me tell you. Lunch was a choice of Sausage/Veg or Lobster bisque soup with ham/cheese sandwiches and a side of mandarin oranges. I got a chance to hug some of my favorite people and have lunch with them. My Dad was sneaky and when he was ready to say the blessing before the meal, called out one of the Seniors for her birthday – and included me in it too! (Thanks, Dad…)

Thank you so much for allowing me to spend some extra time and spoil these wonderful people. It’s a small town and the Luncheon is on a donation basis. The Seniors pay what they choose, or nothing, and no one is ever turned away. I don’t get to “do” for them often, but I love being part of their community. I told several about the Giving Cards program and they thought it was great. One of the workers is going to pass on the information to her daughter also. I got lots of pictures but most are tucked away in my heart for me to enjoy when I go back home. Thank you again for a wonderful avenue to help and spread some love.
